September 5, 2024 / Sandra White

R7000 Nighthawk Smart Wireless Router Setup

There are different methods to connect a router to the modem and extender; it can be wireless or wired. Here, you will find every instruction related ...

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March 6, 2024 / Sophie Jones

How to Connect Netgear Router to Xfinity Modem Router?

Are you in the quest of a write-up explaining the instructions to connect Netgear router to Xfinity modem? Yes? Congratulate yourself as you’ve foun...

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August 9, 2023 / Sandra White

DIY Tips to Fix Netgear App Not Connecting to Router Issue

The recent issue in 2023 concerning Netgear routers is the Netgear app not connecting to router. This issue has stopped more than eighty percent of us...

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